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New Property Before Christmas

Do You Want to be in Your New Property Before Christmas?

It is now less than 7 weeks until Christmas!

For buyers of residential property who wish to settle and be in their new property in time for the festive season, you are running out of time to have this dream realised. In order to achieve this, you really need to have your Contract signed within the next week, particularly if you have to obtain finance approval for the purchase.

In the lead up to Christmas, many of the professions that you will need to finalise your purchase either shut down over Christmas or alternatively, operate with only skeleton staff. This can result in the finalisation of your Contract being delayed until the new year.

If you want to try and avoid delay in getting into your new home, you will need to ensure you make a purchase decision within the next week. Otherwise a pre-Christmas settlement could be unachievable.

For advice on how to get into your new home before Christmas call us now on 1300 768 719.