04 Apr What is FEDOROV’s Separation Support Service?
Separating is never easy. Here at FEDOROV Family Lawyers, we understand that the process of separation can be overwhelming, lengthy and emotionally draining. That’s why we offer a unique service by way of Separation Support to our clients.
What does the Separation Support Manager do?
The Separation Support Manager (SSM) is a support person to the client, ensuring that their emotional health and wellbeing are top priorities. The aim is to guide you throughout the process, gaining insights into your needs so that together we can achieve a better outcome for all.
Here is what you can expect from the services of a Fedorov SSM:
- Regular check-ins with you to ensure that you are doing ok from an emotional and wellbeing perspective
- If you need to talk to somebody that understands what you are going through, you can also call your SSM in between check-ins
- One free session with FEDOROV Family Lawyers expert
- SSM can contact relevant departments and request information for you to organ-ise disclosure documents. There will be a cost involved for this service, your SSM will provide you with further details
- SSM can organise appointments as/when required for lawyers and other profes-sionals, including counsellors, life coaches, brokers, financial planners
Is there a charge for the Service?
Most of the Separation Support service is free of charge. When you are with us at FEDO-ROV Family Lawyers, we believe in providing you with legal support and more of an holis-tic support, without additional financial burdens. All contact that the SSM makes to you, or if you ring them for a chat, is free of charge. There is only a charge if the SSM assists you with organising your disclosure documents. The Retainer Agreement provided to you includes the schedule of costs after your initial consultation with our lawyers.
We are here to take care of you.
FEDOROV Family Lawyers are the only law firm in the industry that provides this unique SSM service. We take the extra step to ensure that our client’s emotional health and wellbeing are considered when dealing with separations. We take time to listen, be here for you whenever you need, and care for you holistically.
Led by Marie Fedorov, Director of FEDOROV Family Lawyers, we are a thought leader in Family Law with 15 years of experience serving clients in the local community. Our satisfied clients are offered personalised guidance to emotionally support and empower them to negotiate the best possible outcomes. Fedorov’s unique approach focuses on Out-of-Court solutions to minimise interruptions, heartache and enabling you to move on with your life as soon as possible.
Get in touch to see how we can help you today. Call us on 1300 768 719 or fill in our Contact Form: https://www.fedorovfamilylawyers.com.au/contact/