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By Natasha Orr, Senior Associate In the recent case of Hurst & Hurst, the wife successfully appealed the decision of the Trial Judge which provided for the property, assets and liabilities of the parties to be divided 60/40 in the husband’s favour after a marriage of approximately...

You have separated/divorced but you need to work out where the kids will live and when they will spend time with the other parent. What about Christmas? Easter? Birthdays? You probably haven’t even thought about that yet… We can help you plan your time with your children...

So you have made the decision to Divorce/Separate from your partner. Have you had the conversation about it yet? If not then it is important to get legal advice about where you stand BEFORE you have this conversation so that you can prepare yourself for what is...

In the article, the author Ms. Charleston gives the example of Clair and John (not their real names) who had assumed custody of their daughter's children. Then the daughter returned and resumed custody of the children. They're heartbroken because they feel that these children have...