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by Natasha Orr, Senior Associate In the recent Federal Circuit Court decision of Rollinson & Chase, Judge Newbrun was asked to determine whether the wife’s solicitors could continue to act for her in circumstances where: The Firm acting for her had initially spoken to the husband and booked him...

by LJ CharlestonWHEN 63-year-old Joanne* decided to leave her marriage, she visited a lawyer so she could understand what percentage of the couple’s assets would belong to her, post-divorce.The marriage had been good in the early years, as both Joanne and her husband worked hard...

by Kristy Collins, Senior Associate Amendments introduced into Federal Parliament recently will result in purchasers of particular residential properties being obligated to withhold GST at the settlement of those properties and to onforward same to the ATO. The withholding obligations will affect purchases from developers as opposed to individuals...

by Marie Fedorov If you suspect you’re ‘hopelessly’ addicted to your smartphone, you’re not the only one. In fact, Australians have embraced the smartphone with such great enthusiasm, we are one of the leading global adopters. A recent Deloitte study found 88 percent of us now own a smartphone, with market...