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by Kristy Collins, Senior Associate As from 1 July 2018, amendments to the Corporations Act mean that any commercial leases which are entered into on or after this date cannot contain within them provisions which automatically allow a Landlord to terminate a Lease simply because of a Tenant...

by Nadja Khelifi,Family Lawyer When 21-year-old Perth woman ‘Sonya’ met Danny, she thought she’d met a man she could have a long relationship with but, sadly, it was not meant to be. The couple was constantly ‘on and off,’ frequently breaking up over Danny’s possessiveness. After yet another...

by Kristy Collins, Senior Associate NEW SOUTH WALES RETAIL LEASE TENANTS – OUTGOINGS…. Changes to the Retail Leases Act 1994 (NSW) in 2017 brought about potentially costly restrictions on a Landlord recovering Outgoings payable by a Tenant under a Retail Lease. In both New South Wales and Queensland jurisdictions,...