Your Name (required)
Your Email (required)
Your Phone (required)
Date of Birth (required)
Date of Cohabitation
Date of Separation
Date of Marriage
Your Occupation
What is your current income per annum
Any health issues that may effect your future earning capacity?
Please list any assets and approximate values owned by each of you at commencement of relationship (Including funds in bank accounts, superannuation, motor vehicles, real property, investments, interests in trusts/businesses/companies etc)
Liabilities and approximate values owned by each of you at the commentate of relationship
Assets/Liabilities acquired/incurred during the relationship and their approximate values (and whether they came from one of you or jointly) and how they were acquired
Financial contributions made during the relationship (including inheritances, compensation claims and investments)
Any additional financial contributions made by the parties or for the benefit of others
Non financial contributions made by the parties (renovations, house-work, home duties, maintenance/upkeep of matrimonial home)
Matrimonial assets currently help by the parties and their approximate values (including superannuation, funds in bank accounts, real property, motor vehicles, investments in trusts/businesses/companies etc)
Matrimonial liabilities and their approximate values